Procurement Webinar and Green Paper

This week the Cabinet Office published a Green Paper on significant proposed reforms of the public procurement regime, with 10 March 2021 the deadline for responses. Our procurement experts share their initial thoughts here.

In the meantime, a reminder that with the end of the UK/EU Brexit transition period we are scheduled to say Adieu to the OJEU on 31 December 2020 at 11pm.  For bodies that are contracting authorities, all procurements commenced after that point should be advertised on the Find a Tender service.  Guidance and expanded FAQs are in PPNs 10/20 and 08/20. We are holding a short webinar event at 10am on Thursday 7th January at which Christopher Brennan and Shailee Howard will discuss some of these changes and the Green Paper - please email Jenny Beresford-Jones if you would like to receive an invitation.

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