The role of provider collaboratives in improving mental health services is the cornerstone of the NHS implementation framework and is designed to create partnerships between NHS organisations and independent sector providers that deliver certain mental health services including specialised mental health, learning disability and autism.
Mills & Reeve worked with the East Midlands Provider Collaborative, known as IMPACT, to enable Adult Secure Care services to be delivered via a partnership model using an agreement and a series of prime and sub-contracts between the lead NHS provider and the remaining NHS and independent sector providers.
Rhian Vandrill, partner and Head of Commercial Health and Charlotte Lewis, senior associate, at Mills & Reeve led the team, who are also working on a range of similar projects across the country.
Rhian said: “It is really exciting to see IMPACT go live after many months of hard work and dedication from all the partners involved. We were honoured to have played a role in getting the Provider Collaborative up and running, which will transform mental health services for patients in the East Midlands.”
Claire Holmes, IMPACT Programme Lead said: “We commissioned Mills & Reeve to develop a legal agreement for public and independent sector provider organisations working together on a collaborative basis across a system. The work was potentially extremely challenging and complex with little precedent.
“We were very impressed with the manner in which the firm approached and facilitated the work which ensured all organisations were on board and we managed to achieve consensus.
The team has also produced a useful FAQs resource for other organisations that are about to embark on a similar project here
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