Harry Bambury

Harry Bambury


  • Birmingham
  • +(44)(0)12456 8230
  • 0782757274
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  • Harry Bambury

What can Harry do for you?

Harry is an associate in the commercial disputes and sports team. Based in Birmingham, Harry undertakes work concerning commercial litigation and dispute resolution, while also having experience in dealing with sports-related disputes and regulatory matters. 

Supporting your ambitions

Harry has worked on a number of high-profile sports related matters, including those concerning breaches of gambling or doping rules by professional athletes and sportspeople. Harry also has experience in undertaking work in connection with football transfers and assists on a number of deals during both the Summer and Winter transfer windows.

In addition to sports related matters, Harry has experience in dealing with both large and small-scale litigious matters. Harry recognises that each dispute requires a distinct approach and tailors the service that he delivers to suit each client’s needs.

What else should you know?

Harry regularly contributes publications to several sports law journals of international repute, including Law in Sport and Sports Law and Taxation.

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