What can Justin do for you?
Justin is a specialist surety lawyer working with sureties and brokers in the UK, Europe and US. He advises on specific bond wordings, facility terms, recourse and security packages, distress scenarios and claims. Justin co-leads the Surety Team at Mills & Reeve with Lucy Collins.
Supporting my clients' ambitions
As well as advising sureties on routine matters such as bond wording and facility/indemnity agreements, Justin supports his clients on more complex structures involving the surety instrument, such as advance payment refund guarantees in the shipbuilding industry. These high value, multi-jurisdictional programmes involve identifying how these instruments can be best deployed in the project, bespoke bond wording, bond-specific counter-indemnity arrangements, co-surety agreements, state guarantees and inter-creditor/ shared security arrangements. Justin also represents sureties on corporate restructurings and claims.
What do others say?
“Justin is highly respected in the surety market. His attention to detail combined with a commercial approach are especially well received in complex, high-value transactions involving numerous documents and a variety of interested parties. While his focus is to protect the sureties' interests he does so with a solution-led mentality."
Paul Philand, Global Head of Surety at RKH Specialty Brokers
What else should you know?
Justin is an FA qualified youth football coach and on a weekend can generally be found in shorts on a wet, wind-swept football pitch in Essex looking after his sons’ playing squads. Managing complex, multi-party transactions can sometimes seem straightforward in comparison...