Kate Rushworth

Kate Rushworth

Senior Associate

  • Cambridge
  • +(44)(0)1223 222569
  • +(44(0)7774 739506
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What can Kate do for you?

Kate advises on projects and construction contracts.  She advises clients across a range of sectors, including defence, education and real estate investment.

Kate advises on complex government contracts and has worked closely with the Ministry of Defence on a number of projects.

Kate has considerable experience of the JCT, NEC3, NEC4 and ICHEME forms of contracts.


Supporting your ambitions

Kate is currently working as part of the team supporting the Ministry of Defence with the development of its multi billion pound programme to provide communications and information systems for use in tactical environments.

Kate advises on the drafting and management of FM Contracts for a wide range of sites, including student accommodation, government and NHS Projects.

Kate also advises freeholders on the construction contracts and professional appointments for remedial works required to remove ACM and non-ACM cladding.

What do others say?

One  client has commented:

 “It is not the mere delivery of [the document] that is remarkable: it is the delivery of a [document] of such high quality in such a short time.”

Kate makes complex legal issues easy to understand, a client recently commented “I knew you would word it better than me!”

What else should you know?

Kate has posted several blogs on fire safety and cladding related issues and has also spoken at a webinar on cladding.

Kate is a member of the Society of Construction Law.

Kate is part of the Ability network at Mills & Reeve, which works to ensure that Mills & Reeve is accessible to clients, employees and visitors with disabilities.


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