Laura Sayer


  • Norwich
  • +(44)(0)1603 693413
  • +44(0)7484 088331
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What can Laura do for you?

Laura is a specialist pensions lawyer who advises clients on all aspects of pensions law in both the private and public sectors. Her work encomapsses scheme closures, benefits changes, buy-ins and buy-outs, corporate transactions and member complaints. She has particular expertise on pension schemes in the charities and education sectors.

Supporting your ambitions

Laura advised the trustees of the defined benefit (final salary) scheme sponsored by Jarrold on the buy-in of pensioner liablities with Aviva. Having done numerous buy-in and buy-out exercises before, Laura was able to add value to the transaction by her commercial and pragmatic approach. 

With a dedicated focus on public sector pensions, Laura has also advised a number of further and higher education institutions on strategic considerations in respect of the Local Government Pension Scheme, the NHS Pension Scheme as well as the Universities Superannuation Scheme and the Teachers' Pension Scheme.

What do others say?

Laura is ranked as a "leading individual" in Legal 500

What else should you know?

Having previously lived and worked in London for nearly 20 years before joining Mills & Reeve in Norwich, Laura now lives on the North Norfolk coast and enjoys every aspect of the life that this beautiful coastline affords. 


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