Neil Pearson

Neil Pearson

Head of Responsible Business

  • Birmingham
  • +(44)(0)12456 8460
  • +(44)(0)7769 994210
  • Contact Neil

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What can Neil do for you?

Neil is head of ESG and Social Value at Mills & Reeve. In this role, Neil heads and co-ordinates our strategy to embed ESG within our business, working on developing that strategy together with identifying, implementing and measuring metrics to assess and improve our ESG performance. Aside from that role, Neil was a partner in our corporate tax team where he gained a national reputation and expertise in social finance and has worked with many social enterprises and charities, as well as impact investors.

Supporting your ambitions

Neil spends time talking with our clients about how ESG affects them, and exchanging ideas on best practice, as well as helping run training and webinars on ESG and the challenges that organisations face. Neil also works closely with many of our sector specialists to help them better understand how everyone at Mills & Reeve can help our clients in various sectors to embed ESG in their organisations.

What else should you know?

Neil was closely involved in the introduction and development of Social Investment Tax Relief, which has helped social enterprises (businesses which judge success both in terms of financial profit, and positive impact on society) to raise much-needed funding. Neil continues to work in promoting the tax relief to widen its take-up by UK social enterprises, and in helping smaller organisations raise funding. Neil is also a trustee of a multi academy trust, and also a founder and secretary of a community benefit society supporting the community in Worcestershire where he lives.


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