Nicola Rowlings

Nicola Rowlings

Professional Support Lawyer

  • Birmingham
  • +(44)(0)12456 8371
  • +(44)(0)7918 904902
  • Contact Nicola

    Contact Nicola Rowlings

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What can Nicola do for you?

Nicola is responsible for supporting the work of our family lawyers. By providing training, briefings and assistance in all areas of their work, she ensures that the team stay up to date with legal developments and continue to deliver the outstanding client service they are well-renowned for. 

Supporting your ambitions

Delivering support at the point that our family lawyers need it led Nicola (along with Roger Bamber) to develop, a ground-breaking knowledge resource for family lawyers. She continues to explore how technology can be used to improve the way in which legal advice is delivered. 

Most recently, Nicola was instructed on a pro-bono basis by Resolution ( to intervene in the Supreme Court case of Owens v Owens.  The case has been a catalyst for divorce law reform in this country.

What else should you know?

Nicola is a long-standing member of Resolution and currently sits on its Publications Committee. She is also an editor of Butterworths' Family Law Precedents Service and is a regular contributor to a variety of legal publications. 


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