Peter Seaborn

Peter Seaborn


  • Cambridge
  • +(44)(0)1223 222277
  • Contact Peter

    Contact Peter Seaborn

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What can Peter do for you?

Peter heads the Planning Team at Mills & Reeve and leads on the delivery of complex planning and compulsory purchase projects. These include the promotion of new towns and villages, urban extensions and regeneration projects.

Supporting your ambitions

Peter helped Dunsfold Airport Limited with the promotion of the first new settlement in Surrey for 100 years.  He used his experience of promoting major developments to help shape the planning strategy for the proposal and then advise throughout the journey of the scheme.  This included a call-in of the application by the Secretary of State and defending the scheme from challenge in the High Court. 

What do others say?

"Peter is thorough, considered and pragmatic."

"Peter was highly responsive to the demands of the project, built strong rapport with the client team and effective relationships with his counterparts, and provided timely, clear and concise advice along the way.  We were delighted with the outcome."

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