Rona McPherson

Rona McPherson

Principal Associate

  • Manchester
  • +(44)(0)16234 8815
  • 0748903884
  • Contact Rona

    Contact Rona McPherson

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What can Rona do for you?

As a commercial lawyer, Rona can assist with all aspects of commercial contracts, public procurement and subsidy control.  Her clients come from public (including health), private and third sectors.   Rona can assist whether you need a suite of documents for a procurement exercise or just want a review of documents you’ve already drafted, require a new services contract or are wondering if your supplier is complying with the terms of your agreement, or if you need to know whether the award or receipt of a grant is in line with subsidy control legislation.

Supporting your ambitions

Rona can help you navigate the new Procurement Act 2023 and advise on the application of the recently introduced Provider Selection Regime for healthcare services.

Rona has been on several secondments to government departments meaning she has good insight into her client’s day to day contractual and procurement issues and enjoys advising on how these can be resolved.  While it’s great to work on a procurement from start to finish, Rona and her colleagues understand you might want a different approach.  We’re happy to support on an “as and when needed basis” at any stage of a competitive process.

What do others say?

After Rona’s involvement in a particularly complex contract modification taking some months to navigate, one client noted “it’s been a pleasure and couldn’t have done it without you”.


What else should you know?

Rona works hard so her dog can have a better life.

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