What can Ruth do for you?
Ruth is a healthcare lawyer acting for NHS and independent sector health clients. Ruth represents clients at inquests and mental health tribunals. She also specialises in child law in a healthcare context, court of protection and best interest decisions, information governance and judicial review. Ruth completed secondments at a high secure psychiatric hospital. She regularly delivers training to healthcare professionals.
Supporting your ambitions
Ruth represented Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust in the reported case of RC. After slashing his brachial arteries, a mental health patient required a blood transfusion. He could be treated under s63 Mental Health Act but he objected due to religious beliefs. The psychiatrist wished to respect his right to religion, but he could die. Ruth made an urgent high court application: the first time a full merits review of decision not to treat under s63 had been undertaken. The Judge declared the psychiatrist’s decision lawful and said the Trust were well advised to apply to the court in these circumstances.
What do others say?
Following a recent complex mental health tribunal the client said “Thank you so much for your hard work on this case and your effective pre-tribunal preparation of us! Many, many thanks in helping us to prepare the reports so effectively. I should have directed the praise we got from the judge to you. We are very pleased about the outcome”.
What else should you know?
Ruth is passionate about pro-bono work. She led on the launch of Birmingham FLAG, a project with the University of Birmingham, which provides free legal advice to local people who would not normally be able to access it. Ruth established the pro-bono committee for the Birmingham Law Society. She has won a number of awards for her pro-bono work.