Shailee Howard

Shailee Howard


  • London
  • +(44)(0)20 7648 9276
  • +447941084332
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What can Shailee do for you?

Shailee has over 10 years of experience of advising both the public and private sector on public procurement law. Her work involves advising the public sector (central government, NHS, local authorities and universities) and the private sector on large scale procurements. She offers a helpful perspective on what matters to bidders, having previously worked in-house supporting an NHS contractor. 

Supporting my clients' ambitions

Recent years have seen a rise in procurement related news stories. Shailee is trusted by many authority and bidder clients to advise on how best to make the rules work for them and avoid making the headlines themselves. She has contributed to the development of procurement strategies for many contracting authorities as well as advising on the detail of the procurement documentation. Shailee is the go-to advisor for bidders wishing to assert their rights should they suspect a breach of the rules without recourse to the courts. 

What do others say?

“Shailee is the most practical and commercially focused procurement lawyer we know.” 

“Shailee assisted us in persuading the authority to re-run its procurement process without us having to issue a claim.” 

What else should you know?

Shailee is a member of the Executive Committee of the Procurement Lawyers Association.  

You can find out more about the Mills & Reeve procurement team at

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