Jill Mason Partner and Head of Health & Care Jill Mason Partner and Head of Health & Care +(44)(0)121 456 8367 +(44)(0)7950 025944 Contact Jill Contact Jill Mason * = required First name * Please enter your first name Last name * Please enter your last name Organisation Email address * Please enter your email address Please enter a valid email address Phone number Your message * Please add your message Send enquiry Mills & Reeve will use the information you provide in this form in accordance with our privacy policy. We may from time to time send you general updates by email or post that we think you will find of interest. This includes notification of upcoming event and updates or alerts containing relevant legal news. You can update your preferences at any time and will be able to easily unsubscribe from anything that you do not wish to receive. check Thank you Thank you for your enquiry. We will be in touch shortly. Close Reset form Close overlay Health and care - independent sector Mental capacity Mental health Inquests Integrated retirement communities Public inquiries and investigations Social care Commissioning, contracts and procurement Crisis management (Regulatory) Governance and partnerships Health and care inquests Health and care regulation Insurance claims and disputes Judicial review Patient care and mental health Policy, public law and disputes Primary care Public law Regulatory Regulatory due diligence Health and care See more Add page to my brochure Bookmark this page
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Kevin Duce Principal Associate Kevin Duce Principal Associate +(44)(0)121 456 8263 +(44)(0)7918 717019 Contact Kevin Contact Kevin Duce * = required First name * Please enter your first name Last name * Please enter your last name Organisation Email address * Please enter your email address Please enter a valid email address Phone number Your message * Please add your message Send enquiry Mills & Reeve will use the information you provide in this form in accordance with our privacy policy. We may from time to time send you general updates by email or post that we think you will find of interest. This includes notification of upcoming event and updates or alerts containing relevant legal news. You can update your preferences at any time and will be able to easily unsubscribe from anything that you do not wish to receive. check Thank you Thank you for your enquiry. We will be in touch shortly. Close Reset form Close overlay Birmingham Mental capacity Mental health Inquests Health and care inquests Public law Judicial review Regulatory Health and care Patient care and mental health See more Add page to my brochure Bookmark this page
Samuel Lindsay Principal Associate Samuel Lindsay Principal Associate +(44)(0)1223 222467 Contact Samuel Contact Samuel Lindsay * = required First name * Please enter your first name Last name * Please enter your last name Organisation Email address * Please enter your email address Please enter a valid email address Phone number Your message * Please add your message Send enquiry Mills & Reeve will use the information you provide in this form in accordance with our privacy policy. We may from time to time send you general updates by email or post that we think you will find of interest. This includes notification of upcoming event and updates or alerts containing relevant legal news. You can update your preferences at any time and will be able to easily unsubscribe from anything that you do not wish to receive. check Thank you Thank you for your enquiry. We will be in touch shortly. Close Reset form Close overlay Cambridge Governance and partnerships Primary care Mental capacity Social care Mental health Inquests Public inquiries and investigations CQC regulation Fraud and investigatory work Public law Judicial review Health and care Commissioning, contracts and procurement Health and care inquests Patient care and mental health Policy, public law and disputes Regulatory Crisis management (Regulatory) Health and care regulation Health and safety (Regulatory) Regulatory due diligence Environmental law - Enforcement See more Add page to my brochure Bookmark this page
Lucy Johnston Principal Associate Lucy Johnston Principal Associate +(44)(0)1223 222245 Contact Lucy Contact Lucy Johnston * = required First name * Please enter your first name Last name * Please enter your last name Organisation Email address * Please enter your email address Please enter a valid email address Phone number Your message * Please add your message Send enquiry Mills & Reeve will use the information you provide in this form in accordance with our privacy policy. We may from time to time send you general updates by email or post that we think you will find of interest. This includes notification of upcoming event and updates or alerts containing relevant legal news. You can update your preferences at any time and will be able to easily unsubscribe from anything that you do not wish to receive. check Thank you Thank you for your enquiry. We will be in touch shortly. Close Reset form Close overlay Cambridge Policy, public law and disputes Mental capacity Mental health Cambridge Health and care inquests Best interest guidance See more Add page to my brochure Bookmark this page
Claire Bridgman Senior Associate Claire Bridgman Senior Associate +(44)(0)121 456 8467 07552489395 Contact Claire Contact Claire Bridgman * = required First name * Please enter your first name Last name * Please enter your last name Organisation Email address * Please enter your email address Please enter a valid email address Phone number Your message * Please add your message Send enquiry Mills & Reeve will use the information you provide in this form in accordance with our privacy policy. We may from time to time send you general updates by email or post that we think you will find of interest. This includes notification of upcoming event and updates or alerts containing relevant legal news. You can update your preferences at any time and will be able to easily unsubscribe from anything that you do not wish to receive. check Thank you Thank you for your enquiry. We will be in touch shortly. Close Reset form Close overlay Birmingham Mental capacity Mental health Inquests Health and care inquests See more Add page to my brochure Bookmark this page
Leah Selkirk Senior Associate Leah Selkirk Senior Associate +(44)(0)161 234 8743 Contact Leah Contact Leah Selkirk * = required First name * Please enter your first name Last name * Please enter your last name Organisation Email address * Please enter your email address Please enter a valid email address Phone number Your message * Please add your message Send enquiry Mills & Reeve will use the information you provide in this form in accordance with our privacy policy. We may from time to time send you general updates by email or post that we think you will find of interest. This includes notification of upcoming event and updates or alerts containing relevant legal news. You can update your preferences at any time and will be able to easily unsubscribe from anything that you do not wish to receive. check Thank you Thank you for your enquiry. We will be in touch shortly. Close Reset form Close overlay Manchester Health and care regulation Social care Commissioning, contracts and procurement Health and care inquests Mental health Patient care and mental health Policy, public law and disputes Best interest guidance Patient care: acute, community and mental health Public inquiries and investigations Mental capacity See more Add page to my brochure Bookmark this page
Holly Morrison-Carter Associate Holly Morrison-Carter Associate +(44)(0)161 234 8813 07884092718 Contact Holly Contact Holly Morrison-Carter * = required First name * Please enter your first name Last name * Please enter your last name Organisation Email address * Please enter your email address Please enter a valid email address Phone number Your message * Please add your message Send enquiry Mills & Reeve will use the information you provide in this form in accordance with our privacy policy. We may from time to time send you general updates by email or post that we think you will find of interest. This includes notification of upcoming event and updates or alerts containing relevant legal news. You can update your preferences at any time and will be able to easily unsubscribe from anything that you do not wish to receive. check Thank you Thank you for your enquiry. We will be in touch shortly. Close Reset form Close overlay Manchester Patient care and mental health Best interest guidance Patient care: acute, community and mental health Social care Health and care inquests Policy, public law and disputes Mental capacity Mental health See more Add page to my brochure Bookmark this page
Supriya Sriprasad Associate Supriya Sriprasad Associate +(44)(0)20 7648 5249 Contact Supriya Contact Supriya Sriprasad * = required First name * Please enter your first name Last name * Please enter your last name Organisation Email address * Please enter your email address Please enter a valid email address Phone number Your message * Please add your message Send enquiry Mills & Reeve will use the information you provide in this form in accordance with our privacy policy. We may from time to time send you general updates by email or post that we think you will find of interest. This includes notification of upcoming event and updates or alerts containing relevant legal news. You can update your preferences at any time and will be able to easily unsubscribe from anything that you do not wish to receive. check Thank you Thank you for your enquiry. We will be in touch shortly. Close Reset form Close overlay London Health and care inquests Patient care and mental health Policy, public law and disputes Best interest guidance Social care Mental health Mental capacity See more Add page to my brochure Bookmark this page