New health and care inquest videos

How an organisation responds to an investigation into a death will have a huge impact on families, your staff, your community, the public and your organisation. It affects how your stakeholders, regulators, collaborative partners, politicians, coroners, the media, families and the public will respond. Preparation before you go to an inquest is key. 

To help you, we have prepared a set of videos with some top tips from those involved in the coronial process, including from those who have given evidence before. We have designed these to make it a little bit easier for you and hope they are helpful.

Watch here

If you would like support with your inquest or training, please contact Neil Ward or Ruth Minnis.

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Every piece of content we create is correct on the date it’s published but please don’t rely on it as legal advice. If you’d like to speak to us about your own legal requirements, please contact one of our expert lawyers.

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