Holly Gillan

Holly Gillan

Trade Mark Attorney

  • Leeds
  • +(44)(0)11388 8262
  • 0734084767
  • Contact Holly

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What can Holly do for you?

Holly is experienced in trade mark and design protection and portfolio management, and has a reputation for providing clients with commercially focused advice. As well as working with well-known brands, Holly also helps SME clients to identify and protect their intellectual property rights. Holly assists on various intellectual property matters, including trade mark applications through to registration, compiling trade mark watch reports, managing trade mark portfolios, compiling search reports and the general protection of intellectual property rights. Holly manages large global trade mark portfolios and advises on registrability and filing strategies.

Supporting my clients' ambitions

Holly is a qualified CITMA paralegal as well as a trainee trade mark attorney

Holly has advised various clients across a range of sectors, including health, education, charities, retail and fashion, and food and beverage advising on the protection of their brands worldwide and on enforcement strategies, successfully taking action against infringers in a number of jurisdictions.

What do others say?

Clients have described Holly as "competent", "approachable", "a pleasure to deal with" and “so good at taking the uninitiated along with her.”

What else should you know?

Holly is a member of The Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys, a professional membership organisation with the power to shape law and practice – nationally and internationally.

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