
Brands are the face of business. We can protect yours, wherever you operate, deal effectively with infringement issues and help you maximise the value your brand brings.

In the digital economy brands have never been more important, and unfortunately infringement is common. Properly protecting your brand is a priority for any successful business. 

We will devise the right legal strategy for you, advising on registrability and filing strategies, filing your trade mark applications and managing your portfolio. 

We'll deal with any licensing needs you have, and our trade mark litigators will help stop infringements or deal with any other disputes relating to your brand.

Our lawyers

Our trade mark experts have years of experience advising clients at every stage of the branding process and know the importance of brands to business. 

Our experience

Our recent experience includes:

  • Advising a financial services company on the registrability of a series of marks for fintech products, and filing applications to protect those marks in Europe.
  • Managing the international trade mark portfolios of a number of leading UK universities.
  • Enforcing an iconic brand for a major UK luxury vehicle manufacturer.
  • Successfully opposing the grant of trade mark applications taking unfair advantage of the goodwill in the name "Basmati".
  • Negotiating and drafting a trade mark licence to the leasing subsidiary of a family-owned car dealership as part of the sale of that company.

Whatever your trade mark requirements, we can provide the help you need.

Our clients

Our trade mark clients span many sectors and include:

  • Leading universities
  • A well-known fashion brand
  • A luxury car manufacturer
  • SMEs, PLCs and multinationals
  • Technology start ups

Did you know?

Further reading

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