What can Jessica do for you?
Jessica specialises in food product regulatory and product liability issues, dealing with contentious and non-contentious matters.
She has broad experience from advising on food regulatory matters such as labelling, advertising and borderline product issues, to crisis management and product liability, and the provision of general commercial advice on system management and during corporate transactions involving food businesses.
Supporting your ambitions
Jessica specialises in advising on labelling and marketing for a broad range of food products. Also of note, is considering the application of health and nutrition claims.
Jessica assists in providing a legal risk assessment and analysis of application of food safety responsibilities under Regulation 178/2002 for product liability and consumer safety issues. She will liaise direct with the Food Standards Agency and trading standards when clients face enforcement action. Jessica will also provide a review service on internal policies and audits such as crisis management.
Finally, Jessica provides specialist corporate support in transactions involving food businesses.
What do others say?
"Jessica is experienced, practical and easy to get along with" and "a go-to for compliance". - Legal 500
What else should you know?
Jessica is a qualified mediator, which can be helpful in negotiations, and sits on the board of The Food Law Group.