Our clients range from fresh produce producers through to restaurants. Each case is investigated on its own facts but we are here to guide, protect and advise. Recent examples of our work include:
- Supporting a major producer of chilled meals when food with unacceptable levels of ecoli was distributed to a UK supermarket chain. We helped the client understand its regulatory and contractual obligations, supported its work with the supermarket to recall the product and negotiated an overall settlement.
- Assisting a large international food business on a product liability matter concerning raised levels of chemical contamination in a global supply chain.
- Advising on novel foods, ingredients, production methods, authorisation processes and responsibilities for a bakery business.
- Helping a major fast food chain with its advertising, including advising on health and nutrition claims, country of origin and product liability.
- Supporting an importer and processor of raw ingredients on a patent infringement issue.
- Advising on product liability and interpretation of Food Safety Requirements under Regulation 178/2002 to a number of major and trans-European food producers. This included acting as a liaison between the producers, Trading Standards officers and the Food Standards Agency.